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Assessment of Learning

District 2 builds a firm foundation with a valid and reliable balanced assessment system that includes varied and multiple measures for determining students’ learning progressions, including student self-assessment. In addition to the daily formative assessments that teachers administer to determine students’ in-the-moment needs, the following identifies a broad range of assessments:

  • Type I - Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR), NWEA MAP Growth: MAP Growth is a dynamic adaptive assessment that measures your students’ achievement and growth in K–8 math and reading. MAP Growth is used to understand how your student is performing and to inform classroom instructional strategies and next steps.

  • Type II - District-level: Any assessment collaboratively developed or adopted, approved for use by the District, and used on a District-wide basis by all teachers in a given grade or subject area.

Standardized Testing

According to Public Act 99-590 that was signed into law on July 22, 2017, each Illinois School District is required to communicate the standardized tests administered to its students. 

MORE INFO: Accelerated Curriculum & Enrichment (ACE)