Sexual Harassment
Any person, including a District employee or agent, or student, engages in sexual harassment whenever they make sexual advances, request sexual favors, and engage in other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual or sex-based nature, imposed on the basis of sex, that:
- Denies or limits the provision of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or that makes such conduct a condition of a student’s academic status; or
- Has the purpose or effect of:
- Substantially interfering with a student’s educational environment;
- Creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment;
- Depriving a student of educational aid, benefits, services, or treatment; or
- Making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for academic decisions affecting a student.
The terms “intimidating,” “hostile,” and “offensive” include conduct that has the effect of humiliation, embarrassment, or discomfort.
Students, who believe they are victims of sexual harassment, or have witnessed sexual harassment, are encouraged to discuss the matter with the Student Non-Discrimination Coordinator, principal, assistant principal, or a complaint manager. Students may choose to report to a person of their same sex. Complaints will be kept confidential to the extent possible given the need to investigate. Students who make good-faith complaints will not be disciplined. An allegation that one student was sexually harassed by another student will be referred to the principal or assistant principal for appropriate action.
Teen Dating Violence
Teen dating violence occurs whenever a student age 13-19 threatens to use physical, mental, or emotional abuse to control an individual in a dating relationship; or uses or threatens to use sexual violence in adating relationship. This behavior is prohibited by any person, including a District employee or agent, or student, at school, on school property, at school-sponsored activities, or in vehicles used for school-provided transportation.
Non-Discrimination Coordinator
Anne Paonessa
630-766-5940 ext. 1105
BSD2 Educational Administration Center
210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Complaint Managers
Tammy Hoeflinger
630-766-5940 ext. 1105
BSD2 Educational Administration Center
210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 60106
Dustin Berman
630-766-5940 ext. 1107
BSD2 Educational Administration Center
210 S. Church Road, Bensenville, IL 6010