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CELEBRATING STUDENT ATTENDANCE: Showing up to school is critical for children’s well-being, engagement, and learning!

Daily student attendance is improving all across Bensenville School District 2.

By recognizing students who show up on time and ready to learn each day, and by helping families build good attendance habits, our schools are aiming to build on that growth.


This year, 54 percent of BSD2 students have no attendance issues, meaning they’ve been absent less than 10 percent of the school year. That’s a 9 percent improvement over last year, and an 18 percent improvement from 2022-2023.

Missing 10 percent of the school year equates to missing about two days a month, and can cause students to fall behind in school. Being late to school often leads to poor attendance, and absences and tardiness affect the whole classroom, as the teacher must slow down learning to help children catch up.

Consistent daily attendance is critical for children's well-being, engagement, and learning. It helps them feel better about school and themselves. Building the habit of going to school on time every day will eventually help students succeed in high school, college, and their careers.

W.A. Johnson Attendance Award - 11/24


BSD2 schools have recently launched incentive programs to emphasize how important it is for students to show up on time and be ready to learn each day. 

For instance, at Tioga and W.A. Johnson Schools, traveling trophies and championship wrestling belts are regularly presented to classes at each grade level with the highest attendance rates or least tardies. 

At Blackhawk Middle School, students with an attendance rate at or above 95 percent each semester receive a certificate of recognition and 25 Blackhawk Bucks to spend at the STAR Store.

Tioga Attendance Belt - 1/25


Families play an important role in student attendance.

Parents, please remember that your child should be in school if they are generally healthy and well. 

Please follow these guidelines to know when to stay home from school for illness (Spanish | Polish), and when to return to school after illness (Spanish | Polish). 

And check out these helpful tips to keep your child healthy and in school (Spanish | Polish).

Showing up on time and ready to learn each day is essential for “Learning & Growing Together.” In partnership, we can continue improving attendance across District 2, and - by doing so - continue to increase student achievement! 

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